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*Drool* She is so fine. It's funny how you never notice it on GOT-- since she and Sansa are the only female characters that haven't been naked, or sex upped or wear revealing outfits on the show. I had to see her outside GOT before I realized that she's sex on a stick! And the fact that she's an immensely talented actress makes her 10 times hotter.

Other great ones:

Busting a move in a tight mini-dress

Rocking her cleavage on the red carpet

Religion should be made fun of. If I believed that stuff, I'd keep it to myself. -Larry David


She look great!


Yes she has a weird face, but in the right context (like those pictures) she's clearly sexy. At the VERY least, the haters should call her a butterface. Rockin, albiet short, bod. But admittedly on the show she is close to 0% attractiveness, but thats what makes seeing her in real life even hotter


The original photo posted by the OP is from her Glamour photo shoot she did a couple months back. This is the shoot itself and I must say I don't think she's ever looked hotter:

And I don't get it. She has always had a pretty face, even in the first season (not sexy obviously, but pretty). It's those damn eyes!

She's just within the last couple years started developing into a woman (or if it was earlier, they at least hid it very well on the show). It wasn't until about late last year, when I saw her outside GOT that I realized she is indeed quite hot.

And she doesn't have that immediate, obvious attractiveness to her face like all these plastic, dolled up supermodels wearing excessive makeup. There's a subtleness to her sex appeal-- like Jodie Foster. It's her body language and subtle facial gestures combined with her speech patterns and personality that make her so hot (not to mention her rocking bod). But I suppose most men (you know, the brain-dead masses) lack both the patience and intelligence to recognize these subtleties. Their loss.

Religion should be made fun of. If I believed that stuff, I'd keep it to myself. -Larry David
