Doctor Who

I hear she's guest-starring on Doctor Who in the upcoming season, and I've been waiting for her to show up in something that I actually want to watch for quite some time now. Personally, I'm not all that interested in Doctor Who, either, but I might very well watch the episodes with Ms Williams.

What diversity used to mean: Diversity
What diversity now means: Fewer white people


GoT will end soon - or MW's character will be killed off. Jenna Coleman (sadly) will leave Dr Who soon.

MW becomes the Dr's new companion, to expand on her "guest appearance". It is just sooo obvious. Please make it happen!!

"But I have infinite tenderness for you. I always will. My whole life."


Well, Maisie's character on GoT will certainly be killed off, later if not sooner. As for the show, it's probably going to keep running and keep running as long as the ratings are high.

What diversity used to mean: Diversity
What diversity now means: Fewer white people


As for the show, it's probably going to keep running and keep running as long as the ratings are high.
Doubtful. The showrunners know how the novels end so they have the series mapped out. They would be fools to keep stretching out the storyline beyond its natural flow just to stay on the air, that's certain to bore the audience.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


How can the showrunners know how the novels end if the author himself doesn't know how they end? Isn't GRRM procrastinating on the next novel because he doesn't have it all planned out?

What diversity used to mean: Diversity
What diversity now means: Fewer white people


The author knows how he plans to end the books because he had to tell Benioff and Weiss as part of the TV deal in case he didn't write fast enough. This has been confirmed repeatedly. GRRM knows the ending, he's just clueless about how to arrive at it. Regardless, dicking around with the storyline on the TV show for longer than necessary would be just as frustrating to viewers as it has been for readers of the books. There was a reason the show cut out a lot from the last two books and had Tyrion and Dany meet last season when they still have yet to meet in the books. Book readers have been restless for Westeros to be inevitably invaded by both Dany's forces and the Others/white walkers for almost 20 years, and now TV viewers are starting to feel the same itch. It's time to start wrapping things up soon.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


The last episode will be quite an event. The ice zombies invade, and wipe out the world. The unsympathetic characters finally get what's coming to them, and the sympathetic characters finally get put out of their misery.

What diversity used to mean: Diversity
What diversity now means: Fewer white people


They would be fools to keep stretching out the storyline beyond its natural flow just to stay on the air, that's certain to bore the audience.

They'll get a year or two at least out of other stories in the same 'history' of Westeros, such as the Dunk and Egg stories, and the history of Westeros is full of various stories that they could do a few series or build TV shows around. That would last at least 2 years, and maybe more. It'll be like Batman Superman and other comic book movies, you've got a fully developed world here, and there is no end to what stories you can come up with in the 'GoT' world.


Well now we've gotten off topic. We were talking about how Game of Thrones the series proper was going to end fairly soon and what Maisie was going to do after that. What you're talking about wouldn't involve her. Unless they make a sequel series and her character is still alive.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.
