MovieChat Forums > Maisie Williams Discussion > Maisie go out with me

Maisie go out with me

Hey Maisie im a swedish boy from Sweden (mind blow) and i wanna take you out on a date. Would you do the honor of doing that? I know this might sounds very wierd but i am very wierd as a person. Add my snapchatif you like cats and food: roffeP


Hate to rain on your parade man, but you have a better chance at getting caught in a Sharknado then you have with scoring a date with her. She's a celeb highly doubt she's reading these boards


Yo buddy, you need to post this on Twitter if you want even have a slightest chance. Maisie doesn't read IMDb boards.

I'll root for ya.


You've got a better chance of platting pee mate.


So you’re a Swedish boy from Sweden. Who’da thunk it? I’m sure your conversation would have dazzled Maisie, if only she knew you’re alive, and gave a damn.

I assume that making this post gave you, ah . . . RELIEF.
