Maisie hate

Why are people hating on Williams? Did she do something? I see some hate for her on the GoT board and sometimes Tumblr. I usually follow her closely but did I miss something?


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The Game of Thrones board is simply full of trolls who started attacking Maisie after her little 'argument' with british airways on twitter (they are trying to make her sound like an arrogant teenage girl but it honestly wasnt that bad)

The majority of people still think she is great and she is very popular with real Game of Thrones fans


Thank you. It seemed strange to me but now it makes sense. Arya is one of my favorite characters and Maisie is a great actress and I was sad when I heard about the unwarranted hate.


What did she say or what did they say even?


This pretty much covers it. tish-airways-200100772.html


Thanks for the link.

She had a point though and at least British Airways were polite in their reply.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


Bleah. Any time any actor/actress expresses any opinion or idea it attracts armies of idiots who don't understand what an opinion or an idea is. The sort of person who detests the simple fact that a famous person's opinions and ideas will always get more air-time than other peoples'. Same people also cannot separate actor/actress from character.


Valiant try, but that isn't quite my post's meaning. :) Try to understand. I'm talking about the compulsion some people seem to have that forces them to comment, hate, denigrate someone famous, and also separation (or not) between actor/actress and character.

Of course you are free to recognise your own interpretation of b*llsh*t. And even form armies. Oh wait maybe not that last one.
