MovieChat Forums > Sam Claflin Discussion > Where are his Finnick muscles?

Where are his Finnick muscles? n-set/

Isn't Finnick supposed to be the epitome of a physical specimen? I'm in better shape than this guy. What gives?

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I tried to make this argument on the Catching Fire board and got flamed. Everyone just says "he's not suppose to be some big steroid guy" or "he's a swimmer" Finnick is suppose to be an alpha career. He wiped out a team of professional killers when he was 14. How is he not in amazing shape? It looks like they are eliminating his career concept because district 4 clearly were not careers in the movie. I pictured him with Alan Richson's tone but a little smaller then him.

That's your problem, welcome to Philly.
- Danny Devito


Boo. It's like they didnt even try to get him fit. He's supposed to have a Chris Evans type body and a male model head. Why does casting, costume, makeup, hair suck so much on these movies? It's like they are trying so hard to make them throw away trash kid movies while ignoring how popular they are with adults and how much money potential there is from these being decent...


It's not just his miscast looks that worry me but his acting as I wasn't impressed by him in SWATH or POTC4... I hope I'm proved wrong, though.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


Come on now! Don't criticize him yet! You haven't even seen the movie!


I think we'll all be surprised- actors really get into character for their parts and I don't see how they can get around not having this guy have an amazing body! By the time the movie comes out I'll bet he's built! Just like Jacob in the Twilight series. He worked for those muscles that he was supposed to have! I read about his regimen. I think this guy will do the same. I like his pics. His face shows the character I imagine finnick to have- the boyish charm and flirtatiousness. I hope we will all be impressed.


Finnick is described a "athletic". He's not supposed to be all musclar like Captain America. More closer to how Chris Evans was in the Fantastic Four movies or Whats Your Number. But not Captain America muscular.


I think we all blame it on the muscles, when really we're just not satisfied with the casting of Claflin as Finnick. Stupid Garrett Hedlund couldn't fit in time to read one more book... >:( *sigh*


Only Districts 1 & 2 had "careers"- not District 4.
