MovieChat Forums > Grace Gummer Discussion > I thought she must be Sorkin's daughter ...

I thought she must be Sorkin's daughter to be on the Newsroom..

because how else does such an unattractive wooden actress got a job with such good actors (and Olvia Munn, but Munn is hot). I came here and found out She's Meryl's daughter. I never caught the resemblance because I was never wondering how her mother actually got cast in any role.


I myself was baffled when she kept popping up in projects. I thought to myself "How in THE HELL is getting work on these bigger projects?", I work in the industry, not as an actor, and I had no idea until someone actually told me recently, and there was, sense made.



I am guessing you two aren't women. But only because women are better at noticing resemblances (and are better witnesses too) than men.
To me she looks a lot like her mother who, interestingly, I never thought was attractive until she got a bit older and I began to appreciate her unusual, non typical features which my friend Grace shares.
I believe it can take many children of icons in film some time to overcome the mantle of their parents talent. I believe this will be the case with her as well.


Look she may have all the talent in the world I'm just saying if she had regular parents she'd be swallowing dna or flipping burgers.



How ignorant can you be? So you really think she'd be doing sex work or at MickeyD's if she had regular parents? We all have regular parents, most of us do neither of those things. Comment om whether or not you like her acting but Jesus at least let us guess if you are an a$$hole rather than confirm it!


I've seen her first in the impressive western/drama "The Homesman", last week. And now again, as I'm binge-watching "The Newsweek" (great show, by the way).

I have to say I like her acting and on-screen persona quite a lot. And I've only found out who she is a minute ago.

Funny how on these internet forums people break actors so easily down. Maybe it's because she had good directors in what I've seen her in, but to me, she is far from being a bad actress.
