MovieChat Forums > Ruby Rose Discussion > Ditches Twitter amid regressivves saying...

Ditches Twitter amid regressivves saying she isn't gay or Jewish enough to play Kate Kane.

Ditching Twitter seems to be all the rage these days!


Let's face it, it doesn't really matter. It's a DC show. They'll just fuck it up and it'll become another DCEU mistake.

Personally I couldn't give a monkeys if a non Jewish actor is playing a Jewish character. Or a normal person is playing trans character. It's all bloody make believe. It's not real. What I do care about is casting people that can't act in such lead roles and I really don't think she can pull it off tbh. It just seems a point scoring exercise.


I've not seen her in anything (I've seen John Wick 2 and Pitch Perfect 3 but don't recall her in either) and so I'm happy to give her a chance.

It can't be as bad as Birds of Prey can it?


Well her role in JW2 was pretty small and I've not seen PP3. My main exposure to her has been OITNB which didn't exactly blow me away.

I've never even heard of Birds of Prey. Looks meh.


I've not seen any OITNB but I know that it's a very popular show on Netflix and so might pull some fans over with her in the role.

BoP was rubbish, you didn't miss out on anything RDH.


lol crazy, my only issue with her is that she's not much of an actress and she dosen’t look anything like Kate Kane, if she were a better actress she’d make a good Catwoman though.


I've seen various iterations of Katherine Kane over the years and so I don't think she'll have trouble looking good in the role. It's set in the Arrow universe with Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl being who she'll have to act alongside - I don't think we need to expect Oscar worthy performances out of her.


Yeah its hardly Shakespeare but she's a far better model than an actress in my opinion.


This is what happens when you allow a mob type group to get away with nonsense. They do not confine themselves to your preferred targets and eventually you become one of the targets. I am not sure how a lesbian woman is not gay enough...or what religion she is even issue was her acting which has not been great from what I have seen.


It would seem that this is a Twitter thing as everyone here on MC just wonders about her acting skills.

It's attention towards the show I guess and so perhaps it will have more people watching it now.


Well many non Jewish actors have played Jews and vice versa. Many straight actors have played gay and vice versa. It's called acting!

She doesn't identify as a lesbian, but seems to only date girls, however she has made comments about some of her male co stars that might make her appear not 100% gay. She might be pansexual or bisexual leaning more towards gay.

It doesn't really matter what she is because she is playing a character. She is also not a real vigilante either. If some very silly SJW'S expect her to be really Jewish and a full blown lesbian then why not thrown in the real vigilante package to boot?
