MovieChat Forums > Cody Horn Discussion > What's up with her face?

What's up with her face?

It's like her lips are too far up on her face, and her lips look pursed or something. She looks like an ape that hasn't yet been fully evolved to a human. That sounded harsh, but it's the best explanation.


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wow. I assume you keep losing parts to her in auditions. Lol. Posting here as a dude as cover. Hilarious. Get over it. Stick with your job at Peet's Coffee and call it a day. All you will ever be is that desperate chick who spreads easier than peanut butter after a couple drinks at a party. I know plenty of actresses like you that hate on talent like Cody.


I've gotta go with beanzbaxter on this one. Cody is a gorgeous, talented and successful young lady. You, being SO OBVIOUSLY a female, shouldn't be soooooo damn jealous. GET OVER IT, *beep* (chica *beep* that is)!!!


CoolBrett is Right. It looks like the top lip shrunk in the dryer and now doesn't reach the bottom lip. She is very fotogenic -the stills camera loves her, but the live-action camera does not. So, there is no jealousy here - a simple truth. There is something weird about her mouth and upper lip.


Hahahaha you nailed it!! That's exactly it!!!


I'm just watching Magic Mike and I think she is absolutely adorable! She's a real girl who maybe has some minor flaws but those are exactly the things that make her beautiful and stand out from the masses of stunning pictureperfect, botoxed, siliconed, restylane, duck face chicks that are 13 in a dozen.


Like sigourney's

Your moms chest hair!
