MovieChat Forums > Lady Gaga Discussion > Someone please explain this to me.

Someone please explain this to me.

Lady Gaga is advertising a petition to get the Electoral College to nullify their vote for Trump. How can she ACTUALLY expect this petition to work? Did she not study government in school? What is she trying to accomplish?


The electoral college has not actually yet voted for Trump.

They do not have to vote with the people of their region for Trump.

That has only ever happened twice in history and never changed the outcome of the election.

She's doing this as another means to highjack Americas emotions for her own personal gain.


New York Post explained how Hillary could win through the Electoral College so I am wondering if Gaga got the idea from them. I did not vote for either one so it really does not matter to me. I just don't understand why Gaga, Madonna, Cher, and Katy Perry can protest and expect something to happen.

By the way, a few years ago, I questioned on imdb why Katy told her parents not to come to the inauguration since her parents are conservatives and she is not. Some Katy Perry fans told me that if they thought like me, they would put a bullet in their brains. Nice fans.


Technically, the electors aren't legally bound, by federal law anyway, to vote for the person they pledged to vote for, so this is basically a Hail Mary attempt to get them to change their minds. That being said, 29 states have laws that bind their electors to their pledged votes.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


She is trying to accomplish the continuation of the Obama/Soviet style destruction of a free America. All she is really doing is making sure Obama's bad legacy is even worse than it was going to be. I love it when leftists show the whole world what USEFUL IDIOTS they really are.


Please clarify what Obama's policies have in common with the Soviet Union. I'm curious.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


She's an entitled celebrity from a generation that when they don't get their way, cry until they do. This is what happens when we hand out trophies for participation.


George Soros is behind it. Look at MoveOn website. She's just another one of his puppets.
