"Liberal" democracy at its finest
Lady Gaga has been vocal about her support of Clinton during the presidential race. She sang at her campaign rally just days before the historical presidential election. Now, Lady Gaga tweeted that she believes all Americans should sign the campaign petition because it is possible to “save our country from Donald Trump’s presidency.”
“If you feel scared about the current state of American politics and Whitehouse sign this petition,” Lady Gaga wrote on Twitter and added the link to the Change.org petition. Currently, there are nearly 3.5 million signatures, over a million more than the petition initially believed was possible.
“Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. Secretary Clinton won the popular vote and should be president,” the petition states. “If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic. ”
Yep, democracy is good when our guy (lady) wins. If your guy wins it's due to "populism". Yeah right, we had the same in Poland over a year ago. Poles were in favour of the former president (who wanted re-election), all mainstream TV media were backing up this candidate. And so were the mainsream journalists and celebrities. However, what they didn't take into consideration was the anger of ordinary, hard working people who had enough of being fooled and manipulated. Trump's win is at the last moment, America would really suffer from 4 years of the Clinton puppet being president.