And you are insecure and it´s impossible for you to accept that some people may have a different opinion.
The irony..
I was a huge huuuuuge fan...but I started to dislike her before I disliked her politics....
That's not what you stated, you said
but since she started supporting Hillary and this extreme left agenda...I just can´t stand anyone who supports these liars and hypocrites...
You never stated you disliked her before the speculative botox/surgery. Not to mention beauty (subjective) should have no influence on if you think someone is talented or prompt you to not be a fan of another's work. Do you also not read authors you deem to be unattractive, do you only let beauty queens be in your presence or be your friends? That makes zero sense. I feel like you just wanted to add your name to long list of trolls who frequent this board to rant about something silly.