Kerrigan's story isn't as bizarrely interesting.
Actually, it's not, or at least not in filmic terms. A situation in which a person is attacked for reasons they don't understand (at first), and where they never confront the attacker one on one, doesn't make for great cinema.
Interpersonal conflict is what makes drama interesting to watch, and Kerrigan's story only has a few seconds of that.
Dude, she didn't win, Oksana Baiul won the gold medal and Kerrigan had to settle for the silver after all that drama. Which is another big problem with making a film out of Kerrigan's story, after all that Nancy-and-Tonya insanity and the whole world waiting with bated breath to see which one of them would win, a 3rd party beat them both.
I can understand why you admire Kerrigan, but lots of admirable people haven't had films made about them, because their stories just won't make good movies. Hagiographies just don't work as movies.
And BTW I didn't like "JFK" very much, are you surprised?
What does her being Australian have anything to do with it?
shareaussies are known for their integrity
shareSo how does agreeing to act as an intriguing character based off a notorious real person violate her integrity? She's not condoning Harding's actions, merely representing her in a fictional film based on true events.
Can you point to a source that firmly asserts that outside of your or other people's interpretation of it? I mean, has she clearly stated something to the effect of: "I condone Tonya Harding's actions."?
Does an actor who plays Hitler necessarily condone the man's actions, or is he taking on a difficult role to portray and humanize an evil (yet influential) historical figure?
her galavanting around town with tonya arm-in-arm is enough to loudly let us all know "she'd have done the same"
Rise up lights are sharp.
If you truly believe these ideals and are not just spouting out thin-skinned ninny nonsense for attention on the internet, why aren't you posting this on the Yahoo Serious board?