MovieChat Forums > Margot Robbie Discussion > The curse of being beautiful!

The curse of being beautiful!

Margot is one of those people who are blessed with extreme good looks. But for me, this blessing can be a curse. For people like Margot, life is effortless. She breezes through life getting everything she wants. This halts character development in real life and causes beautiful people to create shallow, depthless on screen characters. The character developed by being ugly, poor, or otherwise aflicted, is critical to creating deep, edgy, powerful characters. This is why, to me, people like Margot are disinteresting on screen - beautiful, but ultimately boring! I would prefer to hire a slightly less attractive actor who has been through personal hardship, has at times been poor, desperate and out of work, but during this time has developed the character which is critical to squeeze the most out of roles.


Oh wow. Umm.. I don't know where to begin. Beauty has nothing to do with what life deals you. You don't know her and sounds like you make snap judgments about a lot of people on very superficial grounds.

And it's called acting, what does the actors personal life have to do with the character?

the user formerly known as jah-84
Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me


It's not a snap judgement, it's a generalisation, but some generalisations have merit, just like the one I offered about beautiful/richer people finding life easier than uglier/poorer people. Studies have found that beautiful people generally are more popular and more successful than ugly people. Of course to every rule there's the exception, but "generally" beautiful people make *beep* actors because they haven't developed the depth required to play interesting characters. Beautiful people tend to be more self-aware. They notice how much people notice them and they find it extremely difficult to distance themselves from themselves - I have spoken to some beautiful people I know about this and they seem to confirm that this is the case. Uglier people seem to find it easier to detach their mental selves from their physical selves. They have tougher lives because they don't get the level of acceptance or success that beautiful people naturally get and so they tend to make far better actors, playing far more interesting characters with far more depth and emotion. Some beautiful people might be good actors, but they are the exception to the rule. How often have you seen a *beep* actor on screen i, say, daytime tv soap opera. Sure they're nice to look at but horrible at acting. They seem to get into acting just so they can show the world how good looking they are without having the tools to make a good job of it. I attach this to Margot because she seems to be equally attractive but disinteresting and I bet she's a lovely popular lady in real-life, lacking the tools to play deep interesting characters herself.


Rich people have an obvious advantage in life but again it doesn't shield them from pain, their problems may be different and in some cases have the means to combat them, but it doesn't mean they don't experience difficulty. You think being popular and successful means people are happy, that is a very simplistic view.

Beauty is subjective. Acting is a talent, not a product of beauty and popularity (although fame can have those attributes) but then acting is judged subjectively too.

the user formerly known as jah-84
Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me


Beauty is obviously not completely subjective. Very few people would find her ugly (if any). There's science to beauty.


Everyone has personal taste, you could say someone is classically beautiful but they are not your type for example.

the user formerly known as jah-84
Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me


Nothing I said goes against what you said. Of course everyone has personal taste, but that in no way excludes what I said.


That would be a good thing that we do not disagree then?

the user formerly known as jah-84
Take me as I am, or leave me the way you found me


If you ask 10 people to rate a classic beauty, not all of them will see them as a 10. However, no one will rate them less than 6. Beauty is subjective, but only to some point.
