Feed this woman

For crying out loud!


So feed her a sandwich, and then send her your way? :D


I Big Mac a day until she puts on ten pounds.


People who talk about other people's weight are part of the reason there are people with eating disorders. If she was overweight you'd probably be posting about how she needs to work out. If she is anorexic, posting shit like this does not help one bit. And if you are posting because you "care", there are much better ways that you can express support. Number one. Never mention anyone's weight. It's quite simple.


Wouldn't encouraging her to eat be helpful is she were anorexic.

Just asking.

She might just have a high metabolism, too. I've known a few people like that.


Encouraging someone to eat does not help if they are anorexic. It is a disorder and they do need medical help.

I don't know if she is or not. I am also not going to speculate. But all this commenting on weight is not helpful. It's no wonder there are so many people in Hollywood that have eating disorders when they are judged for their bodies and not their acting abilities.


No I wouldn't - I like the ladies with meat on their hips.
