It's official

Skin and bones is sexy. Even for comic book super heros that were considered sexy and originally drawn to be curvy and voluptuous. Not in Hollywood ya'll! The industry and 90 percent of men are just fine with an unrealistic, unsustainable weight. This doesn't seem to be changing. Only getting worse.


I'm incredibly insulted by her casting as WW. I don't have a problem with her as a human or actor in other roles, but as someone portraying an Amazonian warrior, it's extremely insulting. Aside from the fact that she looks like a skinny model and not like a warrior, what I find really insulting is that the guys consistently trained since they were cast and you can see it. They've bulked up and look like they can beat the crap out of someone. Gal on the other hand has spent the entire year fulfilling modeling contracts and obligations. So she's had to maintain her skinny model weight. Her figure looks no different to when she was initially cast. It looks like she has put no effort into training for Wonder Woman to look like a warrior at all. I look at her and I do not believe she is a warrior, let alone an Amazonian warrior. It's just insulting. If Hollywood had cast Christian Bale at the weight he was in The Machinist with just a few extra pounds and suddenly cast him as Batman and he did no training and stayed at that weight, everyone would e raging. Because Gal is hot and skinny, no one cares. I don't think that sends a great message to the younger audiences out there and merely perpetuates the idea that strong, athletic women can only be portrayed by skinny models. Hollywood had the chance to change it up and do something good and a little different, but nah. Big shame.



I read elsewhere she put on 17 pounds of muscle during her nine-month training.


I am female who has been lifting for years. 17 pounds of muscle is not a lot, even for her frame which did not have a lot to build off of. If they would of gave her some more time to build up (in hopes they did for her solo movie) she might of looked a lot better.


Thanks. I was merely responding to the previous post who falsely claimed that she did no training and maintained her skinny weight and frame.


Here's what they don't get. Lynda Carter was just as thin as Gal when she played WW. A quick Google search and they will see that.

Never argue with an idiot; people passing by might not be able to tell the difference.


The industry and 90 percent of men are just fine with an unrealistic, unsustainable weight.

I don't know where you get the idea that "90 percent of men" find underweight women like Gadot attractive. That's your perception of what the mainstream media pushes. The truth is, the vast majority of straight men do not find women like Gadot attractive and in reality do prefer curvy and voluptuous women. The problem is the fashion industry. The fashion industry is what has been pushing underweight women as if they were the epitome of feminine beauty despite most straight men and even women not agreeing with that at all. The fashion industry is run by gay men and because that industry makes so much money it has pushed its twisted view of women on all other mainstream media outlets. That's why Hollywood shows women the way you see them and why Gadot was casted as Wonder Woman despite her not having any business playing that role at all.


Lies lies lies... Its not true that most men prefer curvy bodies because men have another definition of what curvy is than women have. "Curvy" fot men is gigi hadid. "Curvy" for women is Christina Hendricks.


Linda Carter fit as WW in the campy TV show but wouldn't work as WW in the new DC movies at all.
