absolute goddess

so divine. true perfection.


Zendaya is way prettier and more beautiful and more talented.


you really think so? I don't think so.

This girl is other-worldly.

But tastes vary.


Zendaya is the Queen of the world. Here is the best site to look up on her timeless beauty, charm, wit and acting skills:



Zendaya is pretty plain, don't get the love.


Yep, just enough white in her to be attractive.


Especially her Afro and Juicy Fat Lips...so totally a Northern European Trait



lol true.

yes she looks so delicious, utterly edible. And her feet are absolutle perfect.


I guarantee you are a fat useless fuck. 300 lbs typing how white people are better


LOL idiot, I'm 357 lbs. You totally got it wrong, you fool.


ya soo fat useless fuck chugging Mountain Dew


She’s a stunner. I want to know the full reason why she asked to be written out of P_Valley after only 2 seasons. The official reason is she feels her character had gone as far as she could go. I suspect there was some friction within the production, possibly resulting from envy between the actresses.


interesting. i hadn't heard that until you just mentioned it. yeah I'd like to know too.

now, i must admit that perhaps it was the role she was playing, but the first time i ever saw her was in season one of the british detective series 'CB Strike', and she absolutely blew me away. just great everything, face body demeanor voice etc.

haven't watched p valley. tried at first but it was a bit too ghetto for me. the bearded dude in high heels creeped me out lol


"haven't watched p valley. tried at first but it was a bit too ghetto for me. the bearded dude in high heels creeped me out lol"

Uncle Clifford basically carries that show. She is hilarious. And while I pretty much skip the sex scenes between her and Lil Murda, their story is by far the most interesting plot line in the show.


Buzz, you mean the bearded cross-dresser who calls itself “she” and claims to be only 40 years old and has the business sense of a Tonka toy? He’s obnoxious. See my topic, Dear Katori Hall.

I have another topic here, where I compare Uncle Clifford (let’s see: he calls himself “uncle,” but claims to be a woman?) with Job on Banshee. Job is GREAT. He cross-dresses, and physically kicks ass. There’s not a trace of fey in job; and HE IS SMART. Clifford makes me want to puke—the character, not the actor. You wanna be a bitch? Then FUCKING SHAVE YOUR FACE.

You can tell that the character creeps me out, too. It’s a shame.


No question, no question.


"She was, truthfully, very pretty, Harry." Albus Dumbledore
