He's Gorgeous.

I'm watching "Pillars of the Earth," and he plays an excellent villain, but he's so good looking, it's distracting.

"The guitar is fine as a hobby, John, but you'll never make a living at it."


And the camera simply loves him.
I'm holding my breath for the Borgias.


It does, indeed. He owned it whenever he was on screen. I look forward to seeing more of his work, and his range.

"The guitar is fine as a hobby, John, but you'll never make a living at it."


That's cool.
I've already seen "The Mind Of A Tyrant" - he has a small role, but he talks a lot, and he has a wonderful accent. Then I watched "The Bonekickers" episode - again a very small role, but he looks dreamy in it.
You should also check on youtube, there's a short about a suicidal guy, "Faces Of Change", you'll have a chance to see him in contemporary role, smoking, and even crying a bit.
I need to get my hands on "Trinity", I reckon, he gets to wear leotards. ;-)
I wish him a long and succesful career, because he's simply brilliant.


He doesn't look that good on "The Borgias" but I suppose it's because the facial hair in TPOTE is gone.


I was drawn to William half way through the series, and became sympathetic towards the character (goodness, I am now besotted with him, thanks to youtube montages!) and Juan, who i;ve seen snippets of (waiting for Borgias to come to Australia), is not someone I would go for, good looking as he is.
So my response is that he still looks good but different. that's what makes him an extremely good actor - he becomes the character and doesn't play himself, (like maybe some other actors do)

And putting facial hair on Juan, wont make him look like William. Because It's not the beard that makes them different. I saw his on location interview for Pillars, he was in full costume and bearded, but talking as himself, and I thought, my god, is that the same guy? He was soooo not William, ha ha. But I became intrigued and checked some of his work out. I'm a fan, this guy is going to go far.



...it's hard to see him as villanous considering i was gleeful each time he came galloping into town, ready to pillage... ...he's just so magnetic. and attractive...

"you know what we got here? a mother***kin' charlie bronson!"


Well season 2 of the Borgias he's rockin the facial hair again, doubling his hotness.


I think he looks better without the facial hair. I found Juan's new appearance distracting.
