scene stealer

I was just on twitter and saw where someone tweeted that even though you're not supposed to like Waleran or William Hamleigh in Pillars of the Earth, Ian McShane and David Oakes are stealing the show. I have to absolutely agree. Although I would also have to add Eddie Redmayne as Jack to the list. These are the main three characters I always sit up and watch with fascination when they're on screen, however despicable or lovable they may be. They all have amazing faces and show such subtlety - they don't even need lines to express themselves.

I have read on other message boards that some are having difficulty with William because David Oakes doesn't look like William was described in the book, and they don't like the incest scene with William's mother, but I think the incest scene was a very good way of showing how Regan controls her son, and how perverted their relationship is.

David Oakes is one of the best things in this show and wish there were a lot more of him in it.


He is outstanding. I came on here just to find out his name. The kid is impressive.


Well they do say that actors prefer playing a villain as it is ten times more interesting than playing the good guy! I like Matthew Macfadyen and I am hoping the good guy gets some cracking lines (havent seen the series yet, waiting for it to appear on Channel 4). David Oakes seems a nice person on Twitter and quite funny too.


I'm a huge fan of David's already just from Pillars. William is such an insufferable good job David!


Well, I was attracted to William in spite of his failings. Or maybe I'm confusing my attraction for David?
Either way, his eyes are so expressive ...

School's for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, button, are none of those.


Yes, he definitely was one of the best actors of the show.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Yes he does grab your attention. I KNEW I knew him from somewhere and it was the Borgias. Excellent actor.
