Jack Black

I just watched Pitch Perfect again and I now know who this person (Adam DeVine) reminds me of...Jack Black. They could be brothers.


Agreed. I saw The Final Girls, and he acts just like Jack Black. Especially when he and another character are looking in a dirty magazine. It's insane how much he acts like him.


Watch Workaholics you guys


This has actually been a popular opinion for a good while now. It undoubtedly inspired the casting of Adam's dad in Season 5.

"DeMamp maneuv!! DeMamp maneuv!! DeMamp maneuv!!"


Absolutely just thought the same thing.


Although he isn't related to Jack Black...his parents are Dennis and Penny Devine...he is playing in workaholics with Jack Black playing his father!!! I do agree he is and sounds just like him.


I have always thought the same thing. There is a huge opportunity there, they even sound alike. When Adam sings to Amy in pitch 2 it's identical to Jack.

Father/son duo?


I was gonna say this guy seems like a younger shorter pot man's Jack Black.
