MovieChat Forums > Hailee Steinfeld Discussion > Comparing Haille's casting in True Grit ...

Comparing Haille's casting in True Grit to Sydney Penny in Pale Rider

I couldn't help but notice the similarities in both the actresses and their characters, and in key elements of the stories.

Both actresses are fabulously beautiful, with dark eyes, long dark hair, and striking features. Both play strong willed, independent, intelligent young ladies in their early teens, who are put into perilous and impossible situations. Both play alongside older, but nonetheless strong, powerful leading men who use unconventional means to defeat lawless and mentally deficient baddies. Oh, and both characters require being rescued at some point by the heroic male.

It's probably all coincidental, but it'd be interesting if there was a connection between the two films...


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Good call.

If ever they make a film where they need someone to play Hailee's mother, they need look no further than Sydney. Good to see she's still acting. All of which begs the question... what were the casting agents thinking with "3 Days to Kill"? They clearly made zero effort to find suitable parents for Hailee.

Costner and Nielsen were horribly miscast.


Holy crap, they could be sisters, except that Pale Rider was made in the eighties.

Why oh why didn't they user her for 3 Days to Kill?


That's what I was thinking. Someone else said Costner and Nielsen were horribly miscast. Interesting point of view since it was supposed to be Costner's comeback. Hailee was horribly underused in this film. When you have that much talent on a filmset, it's a crime to not use it.

I'd have cast James Marsden and yes, why not, Sydney Penny alongside Hailee.


* * * Both actresses are fabulously beautiful * * *

Damn right.


Haha, Professor Pants indeed! Got to be female. No man would associate himself with chiffon. Or taffeta, whatever that is. I mention that because I've just run into a tafetta loincloth on teh internets and now I don't feel very well...

Pale Rider is a fantastic film. Some people think it's a rewrite of Shane, I don't. Please do yourself a big, big favor and see Pale Rider, and High Plains Drifter, they are quite similar. And if you've not seen True Grit (2010) then you absolutely must. Steinfeld is totally amazing in it... She got right to the heart of the Mattie Ross character. In any sensible world she would have got the Oscar.


No offence! I'm female, I live in Britain, and I hit the big "five-o" in a few weeks. I was tempted to respond "other" just for a laugh!

Ditto the poster below (or above) Pale Rider is one of Clint Eastwood's finest films. It's a little bit "spooky" in that you're never sure who The Pale Rider really is, you just know he's not 100% human. I'd also recommend The Outlaw Josey Wales as another great film.
