MovieChat Forums > Oona Chaplin Discussion > Took her mother's maiden name?

Took her mother's maiden name?

Oona said:

"As I don't know what life would be like without my Chaplin connections, I work with them. I'm just really happy it's a family I can be proud of; it's not as if I'm related to some Z-list celebrity."

What a juvenile and egotistical statement. Apparently, the children of "Z-list" celebrities shouldn't be proud of their parents.

That explains why she hasn't traditionally taken her father's name, Castilla. He wasn't famous enough!

And she became an actress. How original. But she could've earned her acting gigs upon her own talents and hard work, instead of relying on those connections. Many talented actors have done so, by refusing to take their famous parent/grandparent's name. Not this woman.

Perhaps she is not fully confident in her acting abilities and feels she must rely heavily on the Chaplin name. Nevertheless, her above statement is just so immature and awful that I was completely taken aback.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


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Seems she was born a Chaplin I guess since her parents were not married.
I would have given her credit for not using the family name but I'm not the one trying to make it in show business.

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


Her statement seems immature, yes, and makes me uncomfortable, but your reaction seems a bit over the top. Anyway, maybe she was misquoted.

P.S. - Another poster said her parents aren't married, but a lot of Spanish surnames are from the mother's side. The father's surname is often a middle name. I might use Chaplin, too, if I were her.


in Spain and also Latin America and South America, they use both surnames, so why not use Chaplin as her stage name. I would do it.
I do not find her statement over the top.
Sometimes a name can provide you many opportunities, not only in showbusiness. That's real life.


She has a unique look, one which will not get her any big roles, I believe - but because she is the granddaughter of a very famous man and she is going by the name of her famous grandmother, she is correct in saying it got her auditions and thus a flurry of minor roles. If I were her, which obviously I'm not, I'd go by my father's name and be my own person, because word would get out about who she is descended
from - and there would be much respect in a person being brave enough and gutsy enough in proving her own worth.


I don't know I took it more as her saying she's not just related to Joe Schmo and she's proud of her ancestry and wants to convey that.


Exactly, if you want to be an actress, damn right you'd use the name Chaplin!


