I met her.

I met her at Nashville Wizard Con yesterday. She was very friendly and seemed like genuine good person. And yes she is stunning, no doubt about that. And I wasn't nervous when I met her, she had a good, inviting personality. so, if you can meet her, you should.


Thank you for sharing that. I hope that I could meet her one day too.


So jealous I’m not going to lie, but I am really happy you had a wonderful experience. I never doubted that she was a sweet human with a warm and friendly demeanour, I'm hoping to go to WonderCon this year and I hope she makes an appearance again, I would definitely love to meet her.


It must be cool to meet celebrities that are genuinely friendly. It must be extremely rare in the industry.

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness.


You are so lucky. Would love to meet her!


You are lucky
