In Edge of Tomorrow

I loved not immediately recognizing her in that movie :) and unlike natalie portman trying to convince me she's "an astrophysicist" in thor [which is weird seeing as how she is very smart in reality] I BOUGHT charlotte as a scrappy badass soldier with an attitude and thick southern drawl. The nose also helped, she wasn't just a randomly placed pretty actress, she was, as i already described her: a badass. Sometimes it's refreshing to see a woman be something other than "pretty plus" like pretty plus smart, pretty plus strong, etc. It's exhausting trying to keep up with that implied expectation.

So well done Charlotte :) you made me laugh and were a really great addition to that movie - can't wait to see you in more unique and unexpected roles!


Her character was pretty refreshing. I actually found her to be attractive in this role.


I just discovered her and I really like her. I wish Blunt didn't have all the female screen time.


Nah, Blunt wiped the floor with Riley in Edge of Tomorrow. Also Riley's accent was awful. Before I realised it was Riley playing her I actually thought she was Australian trying and failing to do a Southern accent. I couldn't even place the accent at first, it was horribly weird. The movie could have given her character a better ending though. I literally don't know what happened to her in the last fifteen or so minutes, she just died off screen and that was it.

You heart me? What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?



As for Charlotte's accent in the film, having lived in North Alabama my entire life, I can tell you that the accent she used in the film is spot on for what you would hear in some of the more rural backwoodsy areas around here. I've seen this particular complaint from quite a few people and I'm starting to think most of these people are the same ones who think everyone in the south sounds like they're from Savannah Georgia... we don't. In fact, I have no accent whatsoever... but I live in Huntsville, so that's not that strange. I was actually fairly impressed with Charlotte for correctly doing a convincing North Alabama redneck southern accent.

As for her character's fate, yeah, during the final attack on the Omega, her character was killed off-screen, but so were several others. It doesn't matter though... when Cage killed the Omega and absorbed its blood, everything was reset and the mimics were all dying. Charlotte's character is seen alive and well(and making smart-ass remarks) doing PT with the rest of J Crew.


The first time he goes through the loop, she recites why her Sergeant dislikes gamlbing, and her accent is horrible, you can hear the British at like 3 different influxtions. Her accent was just straight up terrible.


yeah her accent was incredibly bad.


Yeah her accent was incredibly forced. I dont see why she even had a southern accent. It added nothing to the movie. Why not keep her normal accent. None of the other actors in J squad had fake accents except for the black guy.


I agree with you that her accent was very good. I'm not sure, what people on here are complaining about, but I've met numerous people who speak just like this. I'd call it a sort of white trash southern.

It's especially good for someone who has a voice that sounds WAY different in real life. Even her tone was totally different than what it really is. A lot of these fools have no idea what they are talking about.
