Complains about too much whiteness
shareAll the racist trolls on Moviechat are making me see her point.
shareThey should just give over the entire Oscars competition to the black and gay community and not look back. They could just show the awards on the black and the gay channels and the rest of us could ignore them even more than we do already.
The gays and blacks could argue amongst themselves over who gets more representation. Then maybe they'll shut their pie-holes. Nobody even cares about the Oscars anymore. It would be no great loss.
her movie has a 7.2 IMDB rating,
not really high enough to be considered a pick for best movie
white peoples do not want to watch film that promote divide between race. that is what film like til does. even liberal white american think this. their comes point when they get sick of this. only race obsess retards like keelai the hutt watch film like til.
if she want award then she need to improve director skill and direct film from heart not from race obsess.
Institutional racism against the negro from the republican side of Hollywood. Hence the Oscars snub. Republicans are "upholding whiteness" and "perpetuating" misogyny against negro women.