Should have been in Twilight
She has a dark mysterious quality, would have made a great vampire, I have no idea what the casting director was thinking.
shareShe has a dark mysterious quality, would have made a great vampire, I have no idea what the casting director was thinking.
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shareYou are right about that, she has that mesmerizing mistery around her and would make a great and terribly handsome vampire. On the other hand, i don't like glittering vampires, so i'm glad she wasn't in twilight :)
Yes, she became a vampire. Sadly, when she did, the series was about to end. Would have liked to see more of that part.
shareI can see her as Rosalie with the blonde wig. Didn't only Edward "glitter"?
Out of six billion humans, the troublemakers are just a handful. -Dalai Lama
From the looks of it, yes would be fitting.
To be honest, my girlfriend gave up on trying to get me to see the later twilight movies after i kept talking how there should be a Twilight/Buffy the vampire slayer-crossover after i saw the first movie with her, so i don't know that much about it...
^j^ I believe in Zara Young! ^j^
No they all did. I think Edward was the only one they ever showed doing it though.