Was Jamal Khashoggi About to Expose Saudi Use of Chemical Weapons in Yemen?
Was Khashoggi was a US citizen or refugee?
Sources close to murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi are saying that it's possible he was killed because he was about to reveal Saudi Arabian use of chemical weapons in Yemen. The Sunday Express story also says that British intelligence knew that Khashoggi would be kidnapped when he walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and tried to warn off Saudi intelligence -- to no avail.
Speaking last night the intelligence source told the Sunday Express: “We were initially made aware that something was going in the first week of September, around three weeks before Mr Khashoggi walked into the consulate on October 2, though it took more time for other details to emerge.
“These details included primary orders to capture Mr Khashoggi and bring him back to Saudi Arabia for questioning. However, the door seemed to be left open for alternative remedies to what was seen as a big problem.
“We know the orders came from a member of the royal circle but have no direct information to link them to Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.
"Whether this meant he was not the original issuer we cannot say.”
Crucially, the highly-placed source confirms that MI6 had warned his Saudi Arabian counterparts to cancel the mission - though this request as ignored.
“On October 1 we became aware of the movement of a group, which included members of Ri'āsat Al-Istikhbārāt Al-‘Āmah (GID) to Istanbul, and it was pretty clear what their aim was.
“Through channels we warned that this was not a good idea. Subsequent events show that our warning was ignored.”
Asked why MI6 had not alerted its Five Eye intelligence partner, the US (Khashoggi was a US citizen) the source said only: “A decision was taken that we’d done what we could.”