MovieChat Forums > Grant Gustin Discussion > Once Partied with him...

Once Partied with him...

I love telling people this. If you read his bio you'll see that he went to Elon University for two years. I also went to Elon, from 2009 to 2014. I believe my freshman year was his last year at the school and he was by far one of the most talented musical theater majors. Although I wasn't a performing arts major, I lived in the arts dorm with a majority of theatre majors so they became the group that I was always with. Turns out one night we all went to a party in the infamous acting majors apartment off campus. I vividly remember Grant Gustin dancing and screaming his ass off on top of a table with a bottle of wine or something haha. Everyone seemed to love this guy. That was my experience with The Flash. BOOM.


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No cause I'm probably never going to watch the show..,.


It's quite a tale...Indeed it is!

No, Schmuck! You are only entitled to your INFORMED opinion!!
-- Harlan Ellison




u r so lucky he was your classmate. now a lot of people wanna have him as their schoolmate.
