Artemis Fowl

Anyone know that series? I always see people wanting this boy for the role of Nico in Percy Jackson, but he's my perfect image of the title character of the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. With his pale skin, deep blue eyes and raven black hair, he's got the description down to a T.


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Exactly he needs to make all of em an quick!


Not gonna happen.
Forces in Hollywood are working against an adaption of Artemis Fowl. That's why the project is stuck in development hell.
You see, it's them who decide what we should get to see or not. Doesn't matter how popular the Artemis books are.
These forces have prevented many book adaptions from happening (Septimus Heap, Wolf Brother, Leven Thumps etc), but have also decided that Twilight, Hunger Games, Beautiful Creatures, Percy Jackson, Mortal Instruments etc are the ones to be made for us.
The strange thing is that the "forbidden adaptions" share some similarities with the "allowed adaptions", and have the same potential for success (if handled right).

To sum it up, no Artemis for Butterfield. But we got to see him in Hugo Cabret, and will soon in Ender's Game. We should be thankful that the forces greenlighted those adaptions :)
