American accent

What was it like for Butterfield to act with an American accent? Any print interviews or videos where he touches on this?

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I think he did a great job with the accent. If I didn't know he was British I would have assumed he was an American actor. If an accent is done badly it can be very distracting, but I didn't see any issues with his American accent.


I saw an interview where he said he had some ADR (additional dialog recording) coming up for EG. I wondered whether he ADRed-out some of his English accent.

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty!


ADR is a very common thing for actors to do, especially in blockbuster movies. For instance, sometimes you can't hear an actor's voice over the special effects or there was a disturbance on the audio quality. Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Asa's accent, although that could quite possibly be a factor as well (we wouldn't really know). Nonetheless, I'm impressed. There wasn't one time during the whole movie that I thought about the fact that he isn't really American.


He spoke with American accent in Ender's Game. And he did it great!


I've only seen him in EG and after watching it for the second time I had a feeling he usually has an accent and came here to see. He does a fantastic job of hiding it and I can't believe his actual age either. Wonderful actor!
