MovieChat Forums > Asa Butterfield Discussion > The Last Airbender/Avatar

The Last Airbender/Avatar

As i saw Asa Butterfield in the movie, 'Ender's Game' i couldn't help but to think, that he would suit perfectly for the role as Aang. I mean Noah Ringer was great, good actor and all. But he just didn't had that Aang'nes about him.

Asa both looks like Aang and have that silly boyishness over him.

And for the record. I think that's why 'The Last Airbender' wasn't a success. not because of the actors. but because of the lacking of humor. The silliness, the humor and of course the fantasy and characters is all what makes Avatar such a great show. and when some is messing. the whole thing falls apart.
What I'm trying to say. is that. if they had remembered the humor. the movie would have been so much better.


I could actually picture that. He would be good as Aang.


Asa isn't Asian though


Aang didn't look particularly Asian either, even allowing for the limitations of the art. Just because he was raised in a monastery, doesn't automatically mean he's Asian.

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?


I think you're right in the sense that he's a fantastic actor and would do a good job. But if the TLA ever gets remade, the cast NEEDS to be entirely Asian. That was one of its biggest flaws. Sorry. Also, he's 18 years old. Aang should be a 12-year-old, innocent-looking Asian boy.


I can see that the age difference is a problem. And it would be awesome with a full Asian cast. But I honestly don't think that it would be a bigger success than the other. Not that it have anything to do with racism. But most people prefer movies with people with the same skin color. People they can relate to. But what do I know? :) maybe it would be a success anyway.
