MovieChat Forums > Asa Butterfield Discussion > Can Marvel MAYBE JUST MAYBE pick an AMER...

Can Marvel MAYBE JUST MAYBE pick an AMERICAN Spiderman?

Garfield was a Brit. British Spiderman. British Superman with the dude from Immortals. British Batman with Bale. Sh-t.

I guess the Brits love our comics but man alive....give it a rest Aussie Wolverine(although Jackman is good in the role...)


Toby Maguire is American.


Donald Glover for Miles like Sam Jackson in the Ultimate.


Oh I know.

But I was pointing out the recent trend over the last 5 years.

The last 2 or 3 Spiderman films were pretty terrible btw....


British actors tend to be theatre trained and therefore are actor's actors.

But Batman is American again, so be happy.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?


Um American actors are also theatre trained, equal to or even greater then Brits... Ever heard of a thing called Broadway?


Um American actors are also theatre trained, equal to or even greater then Brits... Ever heard of a thing called Broadway?

Interesting, I have always thought mistakenly that Broadway hosts mainly big shows like Andrew Lloyd Webber Productions and similar fare, stuff I would call popcorn theatre. Lot's of noise, spectacular stunts as seen in Barnum, rousing music, ah yes, the musicals of Broadway. I seriously had no idea they had classically trained actors performing classical plays on Broadway.

When it is said British actors are theatre trained, it is meant classically which means performing Shakespeare in major theatres and 'graduated' afterwards.

The theatre director of the Old Vic since 2003 has been Kevin Spacey who spends most of his time here.

Back on topic though, my favourite Spiderman has been Tobey Maguire who was American. My favourite Superman was Christopher Reeve who is American and my favourite Batman is Christian Bale who is Welsh/ British.

The OP states there is a trend of British actors in the main role of Superhero films in the last 5 years and none of the Spiderman films featured a British lead, none of the Avenger movies did either, nor the Iron Man films, The Thor films or the Hulk films. At least they have not used a British actor to play Captain America, that would be ironic. The reboot of the X-Men feature Fassbender and McAvoy because the original actors playing Xavier and Magneto were British too, though the rest of the cast of the original films and the reboots were not British except in a couple of minor roles. Vinny Jones as Juggernaut for example. 

The guy playing Superman is hardly a household name in the UK. I had not heard of him before The Immortals.


British actors tend to be theatre trained and therefore are actor's actors.

Then they put on the tights, cracking jokes while swinging through the air on web strands to fight lizard man, electricity guy, giant iron Rhino suit dude, and a guy with green body cancer.

Because that's so complicated it takes an 'actor's actor' to make it happen.

P.S. There are theaters in North American, too. 


Uh, yeah, you missed my meaning, jawwagner777. Gemma above has the idea.

In England, if you plan on becoming an actor, generally you do theatre. You learn Shakespeare, you learn classics, and you learn...well, to ACT.

In America, most actors are film actors first and foremost. You will find that a great many of your American A-list movie stars are not theatre performers. You will find that ALL of your British film stars are also or have been theatre performers.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?
