MovieChat Forums > Lewis Hamilton Discussion > Another idiot who thinks they're a polit...

Another idiot who thinks they're a political leader, the next Jesus.

Seen a few instances of this goober speaking up for BLM and other political situations. Seems to be happy to play the saint.

Now he's rambling on about the abortion laws in the USA. Apparently it'll effect people of the LGBTQIA+ community. How abortions effect homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transpeoples more than others is well and truly beyond me. Heterosexual Women are the main people whom this concerns. Waffling on about the under-priviliged and list checking is feeble political point scoring.

Does every political issue have to be about race and LGBT? Can this issue not largely focus on Women?

Unless of course he's talking about the bigger picture and believes that 'people of color' and 'LGBT+' are at risk of losing their rights in the if that'll happen. Perhaps he's own of those 'this is how nazi germany started' fear mongerers.

A follower of the 'Heterosexual White Men are evil and holding us all back' manifesto?


1 of 2 things are going to happen: -

1 . He will fix all of society's ills.
2. He will make himself look more and more ridiculous.

Place your bets.
