MovieChat Forums > Melissa Benoist Discussion > everytime she smiles = Laura Prepon

everytime she smiles = Laura Prepon

does anyone else see it? Laura Prepon being Donna from that 70s show


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Without the scientokookoobullsheet vibe.

Are your cats eating dangerous dried kibbles? STOP IT! Go to Dr. Pierson's CATINFO.ORG NOW!


Yep, most definitely. First thing I thought when I saw her.


This is so random but I just watched Whiplash and the first time she appears and she smiles in the closeup,for a second I thought it was a Prepon with dark hair.Much prettier than Prepon though.


Funny thing I just watched Whiplash and the first time she appears,she smiles in her closeup and I totally thought for a second that it was Prepon.Much prettier than Prepon though.


I just watched the trailer for Whiplash and thought it was Laura lol
