Suicide Squad
I'd never seen Jai Courtney in anything until Suicide Squad and didn't even know what he looked like, but I'd heard his name on YouTube comments as someone people wished studios would "stop trying to make happen; he's never going to happen." I didn't know he was in this movie until seeing his name in the credits, and assumed he was the actor playing Rick Flag because it fit people's descriptions of him as "generic," "whiny," and "a pussy." I now know he played Captain Boomerang, and am surprised to hear all the negative opinions of him because his performance in that movie was awesome. He had great supporting presence, easygoing charisma, and a good sense of humor. I can see him going far as a brutish character actor, kind of like Tom Hardy. Is he usually more annoying in his other roles? That's the only explanation I can think of for all the hate.