MovieChat Forums > Alicia Vikander Discussion > Why all the nasty comments?

Why all the nasty comments?

I just watched Ex Machina and thought she was fantastic in it so came here to see what else she's been in and see if there were any comments about that performance. Instead, I find a lot of horrible comments about her face and body. What's wrong with some people? Jealousy? From what I can tell based on one film, she's a good-looking girl who can act and I would look forward to seeing her in other things. The trolls can go back under their bridges.


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Yep! Insecure people who are jealous, somehow they make themselves feel better by trying to put down others. Happens on every board, that's the IMDb for you!!

Vikander is lovely and one of the better actresses in her general age range.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


Because there's too many jealous Fassbender fangirls here.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.


~Memories made in the coldest winter~


Yeah that is why I don't want to be famous. You can be the nicest person but get bashed by losers.


This tends to happen with every young and upcoming actress

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -Angel


It seems like that. Alicia should stop dating Fassbender then all would be great again...
