What the actual heck?
No posts here? Insane!
Does anyone know when he'll be well enough to go back on GBNews? And was he a Victim of the Vax himself?
No posts here? Insane!
Does anyone know when he'll be well enough to go back on GBNews? And was he a Victim of the Vax himself?
He really vanished when Limbaugh passed away. Always thought he should keep his hosting gig a few times a month. Dude is absolutely hilarious!
shareHe had the 8pm GB slot on GB News, and has had it for the last couple of years. Before that, he was a regular and fill-in host for Tucker Carlson. He said he quit that because he couldn't bring himself to do fifteen minutes on what a twit AOC is when there was real news to be had around the world. They seemed to give him free rein at GB News until his heart attack a couple of months ago. For Mark Steyn Online club members, he did his usual Friday Q&A a couple of weeks ago. But whenever he got worked up over a subject, he had to take a break: "My doctors don't want me to do that," he explained. So he has a long time before he's back to what he used to be, if he ever gets there.
He's one of the greats, that's for sure! I hope he comes back 100%, and with a vengeance!
Where is GB News? He is genius. To do it daily would be tough though. His fill ins for Rush were classic.
shareIf you’re jonesing for a shot of Steyn, get the GBNews app. They have shows of his in the archives. Like Tucker, the best part is the intro.
I missed his last show. Apparently, he was having a heart attack while he did it. Later, in France, he had another heart attack — this one he recognized as a heart attack — and to the best of my knowledge, he’s been in France ever since. They don’t want him getting excited or fired up. Unfortunately, that’s what he does when he’s on air.
GB News, it turns out, wanted him off. He'd gotten too "truthy" for them, and the British censorship organization, OFCOM, got after Mark for his "Victims of the Vax" special. (See if that's still on YouTube, because it's good.) He is now doing his show on his own website:https://www.steynonline.com/13231/has-ofcom-popped-steyn-balloon
If you're just interested in seeing why he's not on GB News, that starts at the 19 minute mark.
I'd been wondering if I should renew my subscription to the Mark Steyn Club, and this decided me. He's going to need money to fight censorship in Britain.
Ooo I’ll have to look into that.
shareHe’s got his show on his own website now.
You can get almost all of the good stuff without being a club member. I signed up again, though, when I heard he'd basically been kicked off of GB News. I thought he could use an influx of cash. Apparently a lot of other people did, too.
Do sign up for a trial run, at least. It will get you on his mailing list and keep you there.
Imdb trivia: In February 2023, Mark Steyn decided not to return to GB News following his two heart attacks, as they told him that he and his company would be personally responsible for any OFCOM sanctions or fines, and stated that he must not mention the regulatory body on air.
shareI didn't hear the part about not mentioning the regulatory body on the air. I guess they got tired of his ridicule.
I heard that even without a network proper he's beating the pants off the 8pm time slot on GB News when he's on. *snort*
An update from Mark (Fri) https://youtu.be/zhvWOBJmPLo
shareThat was when he thought he was going to be back on GB News. Things changed since then. https://www.steynonline.com/13235/an-ending-that-trending
shareHe's just announcing new shows on youtube. Have to watch at SteynOnline.com
Mark Steyn: Looking at the big picture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ54dxYJjIs (Feb 13)
GBNews have really screwed themselves by forcing Steyn to be an OFCOM bitch and losing him in the process.
They were already struggling and Mark’s was their flagship show, overtaking Farage. The only thing that kept them relevant was being a genuine free speech channel with zero woke agenda, and unafraid to conduct real journalism - questioning the likes of the ‘vaccine’.
The other presenters should have threatened a walk-out unless GBNews told OFCOM to piss off, an organised rebellion was needed. Cowardice reigns instead, and this might be the beginning of the end for the one flicker of hope in UK broadcasting.
The should have threatened to walk out is what I thought, too. Instead of recognizing that GB News threw Steyn under the bus, folks like Lawrence Fox -- @LozzaFox on Twitter -- lead us through painfully twisted logic to justify staying on GB News. The REAL enemy, you see, is NOT the one that was happy to throw Mark Steyn under the Ofcom bus. The REAL enemy is Ofcom. 🙄
No, if GB News had only fought for true freedom of speech for all their presenters, rather than requiring any to bow the knee to Ofcom, people would have metaphorically lifted GB News onto their shoulders and given them three cheers and a tiger -- and undying loyalty. Instead, that honor goes to Mark Steyn.
That flicker of hope may be going out at GB News, but the torch has been passed to Mark Steyn. He tends to win his battles. And I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up with his own broadcasting network into the bargain.
I didn't know he had a couple heart attacks. I thought he was awesome subbing for Rush. Sort of lost touch with him after that.