The new Katara?

hmm I'm unfamiliar with the movies this actress has played in, thoughts on how she'll pull off the coolest waterbender ever??


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Well, I haven't seen her movies either so it's hard to say....
But I will say that it bothers me when people cast don't have the right eye/hair color naturally...sorry, I'm sure no one really cares about this but there are so many people who have darker skin and dark brown hair and blue eyes within the age group they were casting for that would love to be Katara. I apologize for my rant.


You said it.


the race issue has been coming up a lot- i personally don't care.
As long as they represent my favorite characters well,they might as well be green.


I agree. the race issue won't be such a big deal with me if she can pull off the character. I'm about to watch Harold now, where she plays a character called Becki, which i think is hilarious considering that's MY name, and that she went to this special school in Westchester New york which is right by where I LIVE. I'm really rooting for her to do well. I'm sort of glad they picked a relative unknown to play katara. best of luck to her!


To be quite honest I kinda hope she's toph and not katara. She looks a bit young to be katara.


finally!!!! people who get me!!!!! ive been saying that everyone should be colorblind the the race and just focus on the acting and how they represent the characters!!!! and IVE BEEN ACCUSED of being racist for saying that!


I have faith that time can fix her young looks
