This girl is beautiful and she is talented actress Quit hate you V-nerds
All of you that hate that girl you are some lonely V-nerds guys who hate all the pretty girls becuase you cant have them! And the girls who hate that girl well its f@cking obvious why..They are some ugly fat disgusting girls who hate every pretty girl because "Herp derp she is prettier than me so i need to throw hate on her" You people on this boards have everything that make me sick! You are all some lonely fat ugly V-nerds with no life! This girl is
2-Good actress (Check bates motel you lonely disgusting nerds and then come here again)
3-Good person (Yeah nerds i meet her in real life and yeah she is a good person so quit saying that she is a "B!tch" without EVEN KNOW HER YOU RETARD PEOPLE)
I am done with you pathetic lonely nerds!