MovieChat Forums > Christopher Mintz-Plasse Discussion > You know you're a legend when...

You know you're a legend when...

You come on screen and your cinema cheers!


When I saw Kick Ass, pretty much everyone in the cinema yelled out "Mclovin!!!" when he came on screen for the first time :P


When I saw Kick Ass, pretty much everyone in the cinema yelled out "Mclovin!!!" when he came on screen for the first time :P

When I saw Kick Ass yesterday, I was the only person who shouted that.


They even reference his popularity in an episode of 90210.
Gotta love McLovin!!!!


"When I saw Kick Ass yesterday, I was the only person who shouted that. [] "

I was the only one in my theatre, period. :(


hm weird in my theatar if anyone even coughed people are like SHHHHHH


Sorry for being such an ignoramus, but could somebody please explain the reference? Thanks. :)

When I watched the film in the cinema on Saturday, I didn't notice any response to to him. Of course, that might be because people in the UK are more reserved. Or it might be because people in the UK are more... somewhere else entirely. The room was actually pretty empty. The film has been out for weeks here, so I imagine that almost everyone who was going to see it had already seen it before me.


in my theater it was mostly "YEEEEEEEUH MCLOVINNNNNNNN". probably mainly from me ^_^ hehe

In the jungle you must wait, 'till the dice read 5 or 8.


chobar - it's a reference to the character he played in the movie "Superbad".
