MovieChat Forums > Caity Lotz Discussion > Would Be Perfect for the New Supergirl T...

Would Be Perfect for the New Supergirl TV Series

It was just announced today that Greg Berlanti (the creator of Arrow and The Flash TV shows) is in the process of creating a "Supergirl" TV series. Probably for the CW network.

Given the very strong fan support that Caity has gotten from her Arrow appearances as Sara/Black Canary--and the show's decision to have the "Laurel" character become the Black Canary in either season 3 or 4, I'm hoping that Berlanti decides to hire Caity.

So, I guess this is the Beginning of the Caity Lotz for Supergirl Campaign. Feel free to join.


I agree that Caity Lotz would make a great Supergirl. However, if the rumours are true that there could be a Supergirl/Arrow/The Flash crossover, logically we can't have Caity Lotz appearing as Supergirl, as she is Sara Lance in the 'Arrow/Flash universe.' I'd definitely support her being cast as Supergirl in a solo Supergirl film however, or if they decide to include the character in any solo Superman film.


Well, we're both out of luck. They just hired a girl from Glee for the Supergirl role.


Ridiculous logic. Lotz still could have been Supergirl. It simply would have been a case of the same actress playing a different role in a shared continuity. it's happened before and it'll happen again. Jason Lee and Ben Affleck each played multiple roles in the shared View Askew Universe (Banky and Brodie in Mallrats and Chasing Amy, etc). Jon Lovitz played three separate roles on Newsradio. Many actors have played many varied roles on Star Trek. It's not a big deal, it's just the same actor playing a new role.

In any event the girl they cast as Supergirl looks good in the role, so it seems they made a great choice, and Lotz is (somehow) going on to a SuperFriends-type show on CW despite the fact that her Canary is dead.
