MovieChat Forums > Caity Lotz Discussion > In my opinion she's the best female acti...

In my opinion she's the best female action hero at the moment.

She's the whole package. You can see that she's able to kick some ass, not just a pretty face. And in addition, she can also act. :)

I really hope she'll continue to grab roles in the same fashion as she's done.
Her performance in The Machine makes the movie the best cyborg movie since Terminator 2.


and dance and sing, she was a member of a girl band


Yeah some just rely on crying and being moody but luckily she put effort into getting in shape.


My kind of Woman

I must become someone else. I must become something else.


Hollywood is crying out for actresses who can play badass action roles and can actually act at a higher level and apart from Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie and Milla Jovovich there is a major shortage so the world is Her oyster


while I do not think the genre of action females actually has much of a future, as the proof that there has not been anyone to replace the void of Buffy &/or Xena in the last 10 years, her Black Canary is better than Marvel's black Widow. But I think Marvel's Pepper Potts in IM3 was the best, & by the end of ASM2 I was hoping Gwen would have gotten powers somehow.

Now, if only Canary will make out again with Nyssa Al'Gul, this time while both are topless.


too bad they killed her off - I think they killed off the wrong sister!
She can act and is very watchable and Katie is neither. Maybe they could just come up with a storyline and have her replace Cassidy as the sister.


Two words: Lazarus Pit.



She's in the ground.I doubt their going to introduce Lazarus pit since arrow is trying hard to avoid sci fi/fantasy.Sara died so laurel could become the black canary anyway.
