MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > She Wants Joe Biden Back

She Wants Joe Biden Back

Inside Biden’s Anti-Trump Battle Plan (and Where Taylor Swift Fits In)
Watching Donald Trump ascend, the newly energized Biden campaign is aiming to make the general election all about him.
Mr. Trump as a mortal threat to American government, Israel and civil society, and are banking that fears of another turbulent Trump administration will outweigh worries about Mr. Biden’s age and vitality.

"They believe that the more the public sees and hears Mr. Trump, the less people will be inclined to vote for him, and the more the Biden campaign will be able to use his words on issues like abortion, Israel and health care against him" Taylor


"threat to Israel"? They have to be joking Trump just promised to do the dirty work for Israel in Gaza.

He did everything other than bending the knee.


She failed! Trump won.
