Political views?

I was just wondering if anybody knew her political views. I know that she was in Atlas Shrugged Part One, which would obviously be a very conservative movie, but now she's starring in Orange is the New Black, a fairly liberal show (although it does mock a lot of rich, NYC-yuppie type liberals). It wouldn't affect my view of her no matter what her politics were, but it's interesting that she would be in two wildly different projects.


Honestly, I doubt she was in a position to pick and choose before OITNB and even now she's still not at the level of someone like, say, Scarlett Johanson. I doubt she could afford to knock something back because of any political leanings.

She's probably just taking the work she can get. I wouldn't read into it too much.

When I was younger (an obnoxious 16 year old Iraq war protesting hipster) I really cared about celebrities political affiliation. I don't believe in backlisting but damn, it put me off someone if they were pro-Bush.

I'm still very left wing but now I don't judge actors for their political views. I'll admit I might go "Oh cool" if I find out an actor is liberal but it doesn't automatically make me like them (Sean Penn, for instance, is a nitwit and makes us people on the Left look like pretentious old stodges) nor does it put me off when I hear an actor I like is conservative.

I've got friends who are conservative. Hell, I was in love with a guy who was right wing as all hell.

The partisan mentality of "us" and "them" is destructive. If we just accepted each others political views and try and get along the world would be a much easier place to live in.


Damn straight. I agree with everything you said (including that bit about Sean Penn).


I was just wondering if anybody knew her political views. I know that she was in Atlas Shrugged Part One, which would obviously be a very conservative movie, but now she's starring in Orange is the New Black, a fairly liberal show (although it does mock a lot of rich, NYC-yuppie type liberals). It wouldn't affect my view of her no matter what her politics were, but it's interesting that she would be in two wildly different projects.Conservative:
http://aynrandlexicon.com/searchresults/index.html?cx=0131046336299668 10561%3Ag5jt9ka8qre&cof=FORID%3A11&q=conservative+
http://aynrandlexicon.com/searchresults/index.html?cx=0131046336299668 10561%3Ag5jt9ka8qre&cof=FORID%3A11&q=liberal


You gave definitions by Any Rand....a conservative, near-Nazi, fascist MORON.

Her opinion of a liberal is more than a bit skewed. She was a sick *beep*.


Yes, I'm sure "Ayn", a Russian Jew, just loved Hitler. Anything else you would like to add to the conversation before you catch the short bus?


Her selfishness-at-all-cost philosophy certainly leaned towards the libertarian end of fascism. There's no denying that.


One of her main ideas was that humans require using reason in order to live, that force negates your reasoning mind, and therefore it is immoral to initiate force against anyone. Thus, the main purpose of government should be to protect individual rights. How is that fascist or statist in any way?

Consider learning directly about the actual ideas held by the target of your smears firsthand rather than relying secondhand on smears made by others.

"Man cannot survive, as animals do, by the guidance of mere percepts. A sensation of hunger will tell him that he needs food (if he has learned to identify it as “hunger”), but it will not tell him how to obtain his food and it will not tell him what food is good for him or poisonous. He cannot provide for his simplest physical needs without a process of thought. He needs a process of thought to discover how to plant and grow his food or how to make weapons for hunting. No percepts and no “instincts” will tell him how to light a fire, how to weave cloth, how to forge tools, how to make a wheel, how to make an airplane, how to perform an appendectomy, how to produce an electric light bulb or an electronic tube or a cyclotron or a box of matches. Yet his life depends on such knowledge—and only a volitional act of his consciousness, a process of thought, can provide it."

Championing reason is a hardly a recipe for controlling, manipulating, or using force against anyone.


mmitsos-1 and keneisner's posts are exactly why leftists in academia insist on a nonsensical political spectrum that juxtaposes conservative and Nazi on the right. Based on what? Nationalism/patriotism? Leftists have screamed from the rooftops since 9/11/01 that they're just as patriotic as conservatives.

Nazis (i.e., national socialists) and fascists, as you pointed out, have far more in common with other statists like communists (i.e., international socialists) and social democrats. But as long as left-dominated schools and colleges indoctrinate students to believe that Nazis were just more extreme versions of modern conservatives and libertarians, the low-information types like mmitsos-1 and keneisner will mindlessley regurgitate the absurd notions they've been force-fed. People like mmitsos-1 and keneisner are largely incapable of thinking for themselves. Besides, it's far easier to do what all the other kids are doing: substitute whatever their teachers/professors tell them in place of a thoughtful worldview (expressing conservative views would make them true rebels, and they lack the stomach for that). When they graduate, the effect lingers. Most people grow out of this brain-dead mentality, but some sad cases hang on throughout adulthood, probably because they can't admit they were so wrong for so long.
