
It's like she is either overacting or robotic... I can't be the only one who notices how bad she is? Don't understand why she is being cast in so many roles...


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I wonder what it feels like to be someone like you with no taste. She is SPECTACULAR in Orange Is The New Black.


I guess you are.


She acted surprisingly well in OitNB. I can't believe she's the same person after watching this and The Lucky One. Hopefully she gets the recognition she deserves.


She's a peice of background scenery but the fact that she wouldnt hesitate to disrobe provides her with work .

Therefore we may call that art true at which does not seem to be art."


How the hell is she a piece of background scenery when she is the LEAD? Orange Is the New Black completely relies on her to keep the pace of the show going; a less capable actress would've been potentially damaging to the show despite the fantastic supporting actors.

It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.


oh my GOD, this woman is unwatchable....she is a horrid actress, how in the world did she get the lead on this show? I want to like the show but she makes it impossible


She may be the LEAD CHARACTER but is definitely the MOST BORING. I don't watch the show for her storyline...I watch for all the other inmate's storylines.

The actress is 'meh'..she's not a great actress. Her character is spoiled, uninteresting, dorky and basically just a plain Jane.

I love all the other storylines...she may be the white canvas but they are all the colorful paint that makes the show a true piece of art.

I can go on and on...But I'm kinda drunk and typing is kinda complicating right now,
