Most beautiful girl in the world
Solid actor too, she's almost too stunning, when she comes on a show I'm watching i can't keep track of the plot cause she takes my breath away.
Quote the raven nevermore
Solid actor too, she's almost too stunning, when she comes on a show I'm watching i can't keep track of the plot cause she takes my breath away.
Quote the raven nevermore
You can thank Scientology:
Years before her role on Homeland, actress Nazanin Boniadi was set up as Cruise's girlfriend. The documentary details how, after Cruise’s marriage to Kidman was destroyed, the church went about to find the actor a girlfriend, alighting on a Scientologist field worker named Nazanin Boniadi. Boniadi was given a make-over – her teeth fixed, wardrobe from shops such as Burburry – for what she was told was her being elevated to work on a world stage with world figures. But it was all prep for her to meet and then date Cruise. But it didn't last. During a visit by Miscavige to one of Cruise’s mansions, the actor didn't think Boniadi paid enough respect to the leader and cut the relationship short. Boniadi then made the mistake to tell her heartache woes to colleague, who reported them to higher ups. Boniadi was punished by being forced to do menial tasks, including cleaning toilets with a toothbrush. All details are omitted from Boniadi’s IMDB profile. Boniadi left the church and became an actress. She landed on General Hospital, did a stint on How I Met Your Mother, and as the doc points out, was a key supporting player on Homeland. man-767330?utm_source=twitter
I think her window has passed...