MovieChat Forums > Donald Glover Discussion > 'In this day and age, why does Spidey ha...

'In this day and age, why does Spidey have to be a white guy?'

Since when does race determine acting ability? People shouldn't be pushing for Donald just because he's black anymore than people should be saying no to him because he's black. This is all so ridiculous.

Walk like you're walking through Hell in gasoline-soaked pajamas.


I think Donald Glover would make a better peter parker/spider-man than tobey maguire did.


Uhm because he has been a white guy for like 40 yrs? Why does he need to be a black guy? What does "this day and age" have to do with anything?

I am no bigot I swear but if they just start changing all the characters I grew up loving just cause their white then thats racism.

I would say the same thing if they wanted to make blade asian or static shock white.


Seriously, it's a totally unnecessary change. What political, social, or philosophical point would be made by making Peter Parker black? He's not black, the character does have an identity and appearance that have been crafted by upwards of 40 years of continuity.

It has nothing to do with considering blacks less than, racism, or hatred of any kind. It's simply that Peter Parker is, depending on the point of the Spider-Man story, a white male of average height and build with brown hair and brown eyes.

A blonde white man would be just as unsuitable to play Peter Parker as Donald Glover.

Characters are allowed to have exact physical descriptions without it being racist. Spider-Man/Peter Parker is white. End of story.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


I'd love to see the reaction on these boards if they made a Luke Cage or Black Panther movie and they cast a white guy for the role.

All the "progressives" saying that it's OK for Spider-Man to be played by a black guy would be screaming for someone's head on a platter then.


I think that change would be idiotic. There are black super heroes out there like Black Panther and Blade. Why not remake Blade starring Ben Foster? Just as well.


The two posters above me talking about black heroes being made white are exactly correct. If that were even suggested to happen, people would be up in arms about it claiming that it was white-washing.

Blade and Black Panther, for example, have the physical description of being black men. Spider-Man has the physical description of being a white man. In my opinion, it's not racist that fictional characters can have an exact physical description, and if the actor(s) auditioning do not fit that description they shouldn't be in the running for the part.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon



Oh,please--Peter Parker is only white because a white man created him. Let's cut the BS--a lot of white folks simply can't stomach the idea of their precious fictional icon BEING a black man! That's pretty *beep* insane, if you ask me, but it just shows how white supremacy has done its job, to the point where this is even considered worth a debate IN THIS DAY AND AGE--yeah, I said that,too.

Making the character black wouldn't be trying to make some political or social statement---Spidey would just be a character who happens to be black---but, NO, he can't even be THAT because THAT isn't even good enough for you--he just can't be black,period--according to you. Whatever--I'm done trying to talk sense into lunkheads.

I mean,damn,you're making it sound like a black superhero is some weird-a$$ alien creature you can't relate to. Funny how Spiderman can be cast with white boys from all over the planet, but a regular African-American can't play your precious *beep* Spidey-man, who is a FICTIONAL character,BTW, so he should be able to be ANY damn color anyone wants to make him? Seriously, all of you who think this way need to hurry up and GTFOOH with that bull****.


Wow, reading through this thread just shows how ignorant people still are in this day and age.

When it comes to casting black actors it should only be limited by two things. Is the role a historical real person or is it a character that was created? If it is the latter then the role "should" be able to be played by any ethnicity. No one is saying that Peter parker has to be black now... But at the same time its ridiculous if a character like spider man's auditions were limited to only white actors.

It its well known that Peter's back story is that 'Peter Parker is a science-whiz orphan living with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May after watching his father get shot in Queens' Any ethnicity can play this role... White, Black, Asian,Indian, and so on. Give me ONE good reason why in this day and age that spider man has to be played by a white actor other than the fact that all those years ago he was created white. You Cant. Now try and tell me what changing the color of spider man's skin would change story-wise...other than he would have different skin...

Maybe white people still only follow stereotypes, but I personally know black people that act and live just like Peter Parker.

Its sad to see how hard it is for a minority to become an A-list actor who is able to land major leading roles just because people still cant see past skin color. I mean other than Will Smith and Denzel Washington, who really is out there that can become the next Tom cruise or Brad Pitt? We need to get past seeing them as white characters and black characters, and start seeing them as just CHARACTERS, period.
