MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Im soo over her plain face

Im soo over her plain face

she use to be kinda hot before but shes definitely hitting the wall going 200 and now shes just unbearable i also dont think shes right for any role she plays. hopefully hollywood starts casting other actors and she fades back into the indie scene.


Her horrible personality certainly doesn't help.


She utterly despises her fans; she even admitted it. She's not even a good actress and her looks are average at best


The bit I like is when she called some TMZ fellow a loser for trying to pet her dog.


Let's see little Ms. badass act all tough without her security team present.


There is nothing wrong with her face.

Once you get to seventh grade, they'll teach you about capitalization and apostrophes.


Im soo over her plain face

Wasn't quite sure where you were heading with that..


good but basic, but grown to love


"Im soo over her plain face"

Someone else was too as seen in those leaked pictures from a few years ago.
