When Passengers flops

It will no longer be a debate that Jennifer Lawrence is a box office draw. Right now a lot of people say yes but when you take away franchise films and ensemble films what are we left with...SLP which did well then Joy and Serena... you do the math...

After Passengers comes out and doesn't make 300 Million WW or better it will no longer be up for discussion.


After Passengers comes out and doesn't make 300 Million WW or better it will no longer be up for discussion. It's possible Passengers will do all right, considering that it has Chris Pratt in it. (He is a proven, box office success!)

But you're right, if it does underperform, or flop, it will just solidify that Jennifer Lawrence is NOT a proven success at the box office.

Even her franchises started dwindling in both ticket sales and box office gross.


they will come up with some new excuse..

they constantly use heads they win tails you lose logic...

if a film succeeds like first class and DOFP , its cause JLAW, if it fails when she is shown as the main protagonist, its the marketing, the bad guy, xmen fatigue etc

if hunger games does well its all cause of JLAW (even though there are soo many other supporting and big name actors, and saying JLAW is responsible if like saying Daniel Radcliffe is soley responsibly for harry potters popularity, not the book fan base)

but when the later hunger games start doing worse and worse it "well all movie series get less and less as they go on". when you give them a very comparable series, harry potter, they are abck into excuse land


the reverse is also true.

If a film will do well, "they" will come up with a reason why it has nothing to do with Jlaw.

Case in point : the poster above you already suggests that if Passengers does well, it'll be because of Chris Pratt.

No progress will be made.


the poster above says that PRatt is " a proven, box office success"

looking at pratts recent record, its home run after homerun

-Jurassic world- hes the main proaganist
-guardians- an emsemble but still main protaganist
-magnificient seven- an ensemble
-lego movie- again main protagonist but still semi ensemble

wow you are really reaching more than a midget in a grocery store aren't you???

do you really want to compare pratts recent record to jlaws??

-joy- main protagonist

-serena- co-starred with one other person but still 1 of 2..

-apocalypse- this was the first film clearly marketed as JLAW as the protagonist. one of the cultists argued that JLAW was the top protagonist in DOFP based on marketing.. then I went over EVERY trailer with them.. she was in the trailers LESS THAN STEWART and even mckellen in some!!!! stewart who was barely in the movie. in the 2 min trailers stewart and sometimes mckellen had more time and she was barely shown for 10 seconds in each. fassbender, mcavoy and jackman were in the movie far more and far more prominently. and they tried to argue JLAW was the reason DOFP got so much attention

again this is one persons opinion you are quoting. I am quoting basically all the jlaw cultists on here who things KLAW is always the sole factor for films success

they cant admit her movies can fail. if they fail its others fault. if they succeed like American hustle, its JLAW. even when shes in the film less than bale, adams, cooper and even RENNER!!!!

how about coming back with a new arguement

see this is the heads you win tails we lsoe logic you cant help but use.

admit it.. her most recent films have been either failures or barely passed


Lol.. you haters are so pathetic and full of bs... you say 'recent' record, lol... Chris Pratt was in all big ensemble movies or incredibly famous properties (Marvel's guardians, Jurassic World) that would have made just as much money with another nameless actor... the protagonists in Jurassic World are the dinosaurs and guardians is an ensemble Marvel movie. So this will be a test also for Pratt, who (unlike Lawrence that was in Joy which made 100+ million dollars WW because of her, since the movie didn't receive great reviews) hasn't proven himself in terms of box office draw outside these big blockbuster properties... Oh and Magnificent Seven only made 160 millions WW on a 90 million budget..
A poll did show that Jennifer Lawrence and Hugh Jackman were the biggest draws in DOFP and I will always argue strongly that the Hunger Games would have still been successful but they wouldn't have made so much money with a lesser (non Oscar winning) actress, especially the BO records that Catching Fire broke when she had just won Best Actress for Silver Linings in 2013. Also her great performance in Winter's Bone made that little indie movie with a 2 mil budget a success and her great performances in David O Russell movies (and Oscar buzz) certainly helped those movies generate the kind of money they did (230+ mill each). Lawrence and Christian Bale were the two biggest, most famous (Oscar winning) stars in the American Hustle cast, if you deny that Katniss' presence acting against Batman in that movie made it way more successful than it would have been you are either delusional or stupid.
That said, her movies can flop (like Serena)...just like DiCaprio's movies can flop, and Tom Cruise, and Johnny Depp, and Meryl Streep, and Daniel Day Lewis...you name it, every actor or director has flops. Not every movie one does can be a smashing hit (no matter how famous and a box office draw)...
Arrival for example, another sci-fi movie starring Amy Adams, has made like 50+ millions WW so far on a 47 mil budget.. and the movie is really good, but still that's not enough for it to become a smashing hit..
I think Passengers will open big and if it's a really good movie that resonates with people it will have big legs..but if it's not great, then it could have Lawrence and Pratt or any other huge star but it won't have legs.


Chris Pratt was in all big ensemble movies or incredibly famous properties (Marvel's guardians, Jurassic World) that would have made just as much money with another nameless actor

 Agreed 100 percent. Others may think he is a box office draw but in my eyes he is in the same position as Lawrence. Like his movies, her movies would have done the same, which is make money with a nameless actor

unlike Lawrence that was in Joy which made 100+ million dollars WW because of her, since the movie didn't receive great reviews

Which means that she got roughly around 8-10 million people to see it. Sounds like a great success right? Not so much given there are over 7 billion people in the world. Look at films that had far worse reviews than Joy that more people saw and there was NO big name leading star: Annie(2014) Fantastic Four(2015) Me Before You(2016) Annabelle(2014) Heaven Is For Real(2014)- made the same amount of money Joy did and was panned even worse and had no big names in it. The list goes on. You get the point.

Depp, and Meryl Streep, and Daniel Day Lewis...you name it, every actor or director has flops. Not every movie one does can be a smashing hit (no matter how famous and a box office draw)

No one is negating that. Of course you have your ups and downs. My whole point is that she hasn't proven to be a box office draw like the names you mentioned above on her own. Not without franchises and ensemble casted films. Passengers will be the 2nd test for her.


you cultists really have no leg to stand on do you....

you literally have to deny reality just to suit your fantasy world


Lol.. you haters are so pathetic and full of bs... you say 'recent' record, lol... Chris Pratt was in all big ensemble movies or incredibly famous properties (Marvel's guardians, Jurassic World) that would have made just as much money with another nameless actor...

did you even read my post idiot?? I say right beside all those movies they are ensembles

the protagonists in Jurassic World are the dinosaurs

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm noooo they aren't..... how dumb are you....... get yourself a dictionary. maybe take a first year film class and come back after a semester. you are embarassing33

dude there no more point talking to you... you are a dillusional crazy person.....

Also her great performance in Winter's Bone made that little indie movie with a 2 mil budget a success and her great performances in David O Russell movies (and Oscar buzz) certainly helped those movies generate the kind of money they did (230+ mill each).

notice how you losers always have to fall back on winters bone?? your one and only crutch...

go take a film class please
