Terrible actress

Does anyone else agree? I've only seen her in Scott Pilgrim, but she was absolutely AWFUL! Definitely ruined what could have been one of the funniest characters in the movie for me. My problem is that none of my friends agree with me. They don't think she's a GOOD actress, but they don't think she was awful either...I need backup x.x


"Are you coming to my party on Saturday? Or are you gunna be busy....? Babysitting...?"

Quite possibly my favorite line delivery in the movie, so I have to disagree. Thought she was the perfect Julie.

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She is terrible. I feel like the three fans that she has don't know the difference between being deadpan and just having no skills at emoting.


I'm fairly sure that she was asked to act dead pan. She definitely knows how to use her eyes and facial gestures to show how her character is feeling. So she might not ever win any awards, but to go as far as saying she is terrible is wrong. There are alot worse actresses out there, she is funny to alot of people, while others don't like her humor.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Go complain about people like Whitney Cummings and Chelsea Handler. You can't have everyone doing the same kind of comedy, that would be boring. There's a reason there are no other characters like hers on TV - it's hard to pull off.


Sometimes, I blog http://lividiocity.blogspot.com/


To put her in the same catagory as people put Megan Fox and Jessica Alba in is just laughable. Having seen everything she's done (movies, TV, net) and I think she's great. Sure, she hasn't had a chanc to show off her true talents yet but she will soon enough.


Shes as one-note as they come. I've tired of her schtick really quickly, does she have the play that same damn role in everything?? I have yet to see proof she can do any other style of acting, talking in a monotone voice while rolling her eyes and scowling gets pretty old after a while.


If you truly believe that you haven't seen everything she's done.


Totally agree. She plays a one-note character type that won't take her much further for long, especially when she affects that exact same persona off-screen in interviews too.
