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'I'm Totally Uncancelable': Megyn Kelly Speaks Out on Left-Wing and Right-Wing Media Bias

In my other post, the MC lefties are totally deranged in their hatred for Kelly. They're just aping Big Fake News, as Stossel points out.

Today, big media has an agenda. Fox and most talk radio push right; most other media spin left.

For a long time, leftists pretended this wasn't happening. In 36 years at CBS and ABC, none of my colleagues admitted leaning left. There were only "facts" versus "narrow-minded conservatives."

Then Bernie Goldberg's book Bias came out. The book is dead-on accurate, and a huge bestseller, but my ABC peers wouldn't even read it.

Soon after, annoyed by my wish to cover failures of big government, ABC dropped me as 20/20 co-anchor.

There I befriended Megyn Kelly. She seemed neutral politically. But when she got a prime-time show, she made it clear she found some leftist opinion just silly.

That's when the envy and hatred came out.

As her friend, it was ugly watching it happen.

First, President Donald Trump's fans attacked her. She had done the professional thing, confronting Trump about his calling women "fat pigs," etc.

Trump then took to the media—including Fox—to say, "I have zero respect for Megyn Kelly" and, "She had blood coming out of…"

Trump fans then threatened Kelly.

What I didn't know until I interviewed her this week is that there was also blowback from our Fox boss, Roger Ailes. He told Kelly not to be so hard on Trump.

"He was scared," she says in my new video. "He was losing a portion of the Fox News base to people who felt Fox wasn't being fair to Trump."

Still, she says, "they look like absolute teddy bears compared to where else I've been."

"Where else" she's been is NBC, where she moved after Fox.

That's when we saw how stupid and vicious the leftist media can be.

Because Kelly was pretty and successful, other reporters, especially women, hated her. Because she once worked at Fox, she was "evil" and fair game.

People attacked her simply for interviewing bad guys, like Vladimir Putin and Alex Jones.

News shows like 60 Minutes win awards for interviewing despicable people, but now the media claimed that it was "horrible" for Kelly to interview Jones.

After Kelly interviewed Putin, The Daily Show's Michelle Wolf sneered, "Seeing someone so conniving trying to manipulate the American public was disgusting….I'm not talking about Putin, I'm talking about [giggle] Megyn Kelly."

She's free to say things like that today because she's her own boss. Kelly now has a popular podcast that runs on SiriusXM.

"I'm totally uncancellable," says Kelly. "That was my only mission in coming back into our business."

She calls most of the media "stupid, uninformed ignoramuses" and is upset that they "are the ones driving our national discussion."


Full Stossel interview: (50m)

I got to know Megyn Kelly when we worked together at Fox.

We, and our families, became friends.

Then I watched, sometimes in shock, as strange and nasty things happened to her.

A few weeks ago we finally sat down to talk about that.

It’s easier to speak freely now that we’re both our own bosses.


Wow....your post is nothing but bias.
